Ordering Repeat Prescriptions
We do not take repeat prescription requests over the phone. Repeat prescription request are actioned within 48 working hours starting from following day after the request has been received. We can only issue medications which are on your repeat medication list and are due within the next 7 days.
The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:
- using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App) YouTube links about NHS App – NHS Login without using Photo ID and How to use the NHS App to order a repeat prescription
- using the GP online system: SystmOnline
- use the Accurx service
These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.
Only times we would not issue any requested medication after receiving the request as follows:
*If the repeat medication is not due within the next 7 days
*If the repeat medication was not requested such as not ticked among other repeat medications
*If the medication is not on your repeat medication list
It is patient’s responsibility to request their repeat medication when they are due within the next 7 days, either themselves or via their nominated pharmacy.
Repeat Electronic Dispensing Prescriptions Service
The service was designed to save GP practices and patients time and improve convenience and access to prescriptions, by allowing community pharmacy teams to take a more active role in the process of safe supply of patients’ regular prescriptions.
Your GP or healthcare practitioner will issue a repeat dispensing prescription (for some medication as per the criteria) which will have a number of prescription issues on it e.g. a minimum of 3 months to maximum of 6 months of medication to be collected monthly. This “batch” of prescriptions will be sent electronically to your existing nominated pharmacy. This means that you simply collect your repeat dispensed medication from your usual pharmacy monthly without having to order it each month.
The way to check if a repeat medication has been issued as repeat dispensing is by checking the repeat medications next issue date on paper repeat medication slip given by the pharmacy. The next issue date will have future dated date which is more than 28 days away.
It is important to let your pharmacist know if you are taking any other medicines or if your medical condition changes. If you have any questions about your medicines, ask at the pharmacy, they will be happy to help you.
This video was produced in collaboration with NHS Digital. It was created primarily for pharmacies to explain the high-level process behind eRD.
Step by step guide to how to obtain your medication using the Electronic Repeat Dispensing (ERD) prescribing system
Step 1
If you have been issued repeat medications as repeat dispensing, you do not need to do anything.
Step 2
Request and collect your first eRD prescription from your chosen pharmacy.
Step 3
When you need your next month’s prescription, contact your pharmacy / go back to your pharmacy to request and collect.
Your pharmacy will ask you the following questions prior to issuing you your medications:
Have you seen any health professionals (GP, nurse or hospital doctor), since your last repeat prescription was supplied and has your health conditions changed?
Have you recently started taking any new medicines – either on prescription or that you have bought over the counter?
Have you been having any problems with your medication or experiencing any side effects?
Are there any items on your repeat prescription that you don’t need this month?
Please inform the pharmacy of only the medications you need, so they can issue what you require. This will aid waste reduction and save NHS resources.
If you have any questions about your medicines, just ask at the pharmacy; they’ll be happy to help you.
Step 4
When your pharmacy supplies your last prescription, they will advise you to contact your GP practice to arrange for your medication to be reviewed and if it is clinically appropriate to issue another eRD prescription.
Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding this process please contact your Pharmacy or Surgery.
Collecting your prescription
Allow TWO working days (48 working hours starting from the following working day after the request has been received) before collecting your repeat medications from your nominated pharmacy.
Prescription fees
For more information on prescriptions charges and exemptions view the NHS Choices website.
Over the counter medication prescribing
Ceasing of prescribing of over the counter medicines for acute conditions
As a Practice within Herts and West Essex ICB (HWEICB)we have been instructed to follow the policy below. HWEICB policy is aligned to NHS England (NHSE policy).
HWEICB and NHS England do not routinely support the prescribing of medicines that are available to buy from pharmacies and other outlets. All individuals will be expected to pay for over-the-counter medicines for conditions that can be managed through self-care, Including groups that currently receive free prescriptions.
- Medicines you can buy without a prescription
- Many common illnesses are best treated at home
- Hay fever information
- Pharmacists can help you treat minor illnesses
Patient queries can be directed to:
- Phone: 01992 566122
- Email: hweicbwe.patientfeedback@nhs.net