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New Telephone System

  • You can avoid waiting in the queue with our new telephone system, press 1 at any time when in the queue, you will keep your queue position and we will call you back. Please do not press this option more than once until we have called your back.
  • Did you know you can contact us for medical and administrative help online. By simply clicking, Get help online
  • Our telephone lines are closed between 1pm and 2.30pm. You can also come to the surgery as our reception will remain open.
  • Repeat Prescription: The easiest way to order repeat prescription is using the the NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)

Zero Tolerance

Abbey Road Surgery strongly support the NHS policy on zero tolerance. Anyone attending the surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will risk removal from the practice list. In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.

Patients who are not willing to follow treatment regime set by our doctors, other clinical team members, specialists and put pressure on them to prescribe medications, issue sick notes, letters, etc according to how the patient wishes.  This type of behaviour could lead to break down of relationship between Abbey Road Surgery and the patient, therefore will result in removal from our practice list.

GPs and their staff have the right to care for others without fear of being intimidated, attacked or abused. Any behaviour, verbal or physical which causes staff to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or threatened, is totally unacceptable.