
  • Register as a Carer

    Register as a carer so that we can make sure you get information, services and the help that is available.

    Register as a carer

  • Carer Support in our area

    Find out about the healthcare professionals and services in our area

    Find carer support in our area

  • Informal / unpaid carer health check

    Are you an informal (unpaid) carer?
    If so have you had your annual Health & Wellbeing Check? 

    If you haven’t been contacted yet, please book your appointment in the following ways:

    Directly with our Care Coordinators on 07999 021013


  • Carers Information Cafe

    A free, drop-in, event for anyone looking after someone close to them who is ill, disabled, elderly or misuses substances.

    Run by Carers in Hertfordshire and local GP surgeries.

    Enjoy a cuppa and find out services, information and advice to help you with your caring role.
    One to one support
    Book a carer health check

    Meets the second Wednesday of each month, 10:30am -12pm noon.

    At Laura Trott Leisure Centre, 33 Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 9AJ.

    Carers Information Cafe Cheshunt (PDF)