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New Telephone System

  • You can avoid waiting in the queue with our new telephone system, press 1 at any time when in the queue, you will keep your queue position and we will call you back. Please do not press this option more than once until we have called your back.
  • Did you know you can contact us for medical and administrative help online. By simply clicking, Get help online
  • Our telephone lines are closed between 1pm and 2.30pm. You can also come to the surgery as our reception will remain open.
  • Repeat Prescription: The easiest way to order repeat prescription is using the the NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)

Financial inclusion, Debt and Benefits advice

  • BCW Schools Partnership

    Offered to families of children attending one of the Partnership schools – Bonneygrove, Dewhurst St Mary CE, Fairfields, Holy Trinity, St Mary’s CE High School and St Paul’s Catholic.

    BCW School Partnership offer home visits, one to one meetings and opportunities for parents to off load and find solutions to normal issues faced by families. Our trained staff assess needs and offer support, recognising that no two families are the same.

    They work with a range of partners and agencies to support families to get the best out of family life. All work is free of charge to families and covers:

    A range of parenting support sessions
    Understanding and managing behavior
    Support for your child with issues including managing anger, anxiety and keeping themselves safe
    Healthy lifestyles
    Attendance Issues

    01992 412647



  • B3 Living

    For B3 Living customers only.  Referrals to Citizens Advice, Step Change, LEAP, Money Advice Service, support around food and fuel poverty. Independent living service (charges apply). Live chat option Mondays to Fridays, 9 am – 5 pm

    Scania House, 17 Amwell Street, Hoddesdon EN11 8TS

    01992 453700



    CHEXS works within the local community, supporting families of children that attend our partnership schools, supporting homelife stresses as well as managing difficult behaviour with their children. 

    Parents/carers are given advice and direction through face-to-face meetings, which can include helping access support with benefits, obtaining emergency grants, help with energy bills, for example accompanying them to local Post Office or amenities to top up energy supplies, reducing outgoings, resolving housing problems, and/or getting mental health support. 

    They also provide direct support as well as helping parents or carers access support from other agencies. They provide Foodbank vouchers for families and family support through face-to-face parenting workshops giving parents/carers opportunities to learn and strengthen their parenting skills. They support the whole family through face to face meeetings and activities within Schools, home and community venues.

    Community Skills Hub. 59 High Street, Waltham Cross, EN8 7JU

    07792 842587



  • Citizens Advice Broxbourne

    Citizens Advice Broxbourne helps people overcome their problems, and campaigns on big issues when their voices need to be heard. 

    We provide independent, free, confidential and impartial advice to everybody regardless of race, gender, sexuality or disability.  We can help with areas including benefits, money, family, health, housing, consumer, immigration, law and rights, and employment. 

    We want to empower people to help themselves to the extent of their ability, and seek a future where the residents of Broxbourne are well informed and sufficiently confident to address their own advice needs and without the need for third party advocacy or representation.

    During Broxbourne Council’s opening hours at Bishop’s College, if Citizens Advice are not available, please leave your details with the receptionist and Citizens Advice will call you back (for anyone living of working in the Borough of Broxbourne)

    c/o: HB Accountants, Plumpton House, Plumpton Road, Hoddesdon EN11 0LB (Postal Address)

    Bishops College, Churchgate, Cheshunt EN8 9XG. Tuesdays 9:30am-1pm (drop-in and register for a call back)

    0808 278 7915 for advice (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
    0300 303 4417 for General enquiries

    The Citizens Advice Hertfordshire Adviceline is available on 0800 144 8848 and is open Monday to Wednesday 10am to 9pm, Thursday and Friday 10am to 8pm, Saturdays 10am to 4pm.


    Form via our website for advice or for general enquiries


  • <strong>HABS Family Support</strong>

    For families of children attending the HABS partnership schools (see website)
    The HABS Family Support Team is a local school partnership who provide high quality services for children, young people and their families in Wormley, Broxbourne and Hoddesdon, Turnford and Watford.

    We are a local organisation that works with school age children to address social and health issues that are barriers to learning. We provide advice and support for children and families at risk of breakdown and offer practical and emotional support, helping with a range of issues including mental health, bereavement, separation and divorce, domestic abuse, housing, financial support, debt, drug or alcohol use, additional educational needs and challenging behaviour.

    Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm.

    c/o Wormley Primary School, Cozens Lane East, Broxbourne EN10 6QA

    01992 303331 Opt 5



  • Healthy Hub

    Access to help and signposting around Wellbeing, Physical Health and Financial Advice. Tuesdays 09:30am – 4:30pm, Thursdays 9:30am-4:30pm.

    Community Hub, Unit 59 Pavilions Shopping Centre, High Street, Waltham Cross, EN8 7JU

    0300 123 1034



  • Hertfordshire Growth Hub

    The Hertfordshire Growth Hub have set up a Cost of Living Business Support hub to bring together the latest information on boosting business resilience, accessing Government support, reducing costs and supporting staff with the rising cost of living.
